Taiteilija Ville Färsaaret katsoo valokuvassa kuvaajasta hiukan sivuun neutraali, mahdollisesti mietteliäs ilme kasvoillaan. Hänellä on päällään vihertävänharmaa paita ja päässään musta lippalakki. Taustalla näkyy rakennus, jonka lasiovissa ja suurissa ikkunoissa on suuri kuvataideteos, jossa on ihmishahmo ja abstrakteja viivoja.


Local Artist Project 2014–2017

During the Local Artist project by Tampere Region Festivals, the association nominated an artist from Tampere Region representing the artistic fields of the network as the Local Artist each year. During the project, musicians Laura Moisio and Ville Leinonen, visual artist and art activist Ville Färsaaret and poet Anna-Elina Isoaro were chosen as local artists. The aim of the local artists was to showcase new local art and culture and strengthen the cultural identity of the region. The project also aimed to strengthen the sense of community in suburbs and sparsely populated areas and to increase the residents’ interest in arts. The Tampere Region Festivals’ local artist toured – with a rotating team of artists – the towns and cities of Tampere Region, especially in areas where art is less available.

The Local Artist project was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.